Thursday, May 1, 2008

May day, May day.

What a terrible two weeks it has been. It all started with a cold, nothing too serious. Sore throat, runny nose, a little bit of sneezing. I was prescribed a penicillin that I quickly became resistant to, so the doctor decided that I should get a few shots of a stronger antibiotic. That cured my cold, the sore throat and the runny nose, but I remained with a mild fever and a general feeling of malaise. Telling a doctor that you have a general feeling of malaise and a mild fever is pretty vague and will get you questioning looks. The answer? A stronger antibiotic. That did nothing. Three days later and my fever got worst and so did the malaise. It was finally suggested that I be given a blood and stool test. Americans tend to get either typhoid or amebiasis after about a month or two of being in the country. Lucky for me, I got them both at the same time. I was prescribed two more antibiotics. Cipro for the typhoid and metronidazole for the amebiasis. The metronidazole made me sick after 4 days of taking it, so after a sleepless night an almost panic attack, I decided to call my doctor in the morning. One of the side-effects of metronidazole is anxiety, it can have effects similar to those of a stimulant. My blood pressure is now on average about 130-90, the highest was 150-100. That's insanely high for a 26 year old male. I wish Mexico wasn't trying to kill me. I'd really like to stay here, but not at the risk of my health.


spencer said...

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Nice talking to you yesterday. Give my best to San Miguel, Miguel.

Meg Keys said...

Geez sir! I can't imagine you with anxiety ;) So are you all healthy yet?